Collagen vs. Sleep

Collagen vs. Sleep

Responsible for many biological functions throughout the body, collagen provides structural support within connective tissue, muscles, and most topically, your skin. Collagen is the protein that gives your skin the elasticity everyone strives for - hence why it is so popular in the beauty world. But how integral is this beauty product to your skin?

Skincare has become increasingly popular as people attempt to make up for lack of sleep through the use of different topical products, but how do they compare to the oldest beauty hack - a good night’s sleep?

Let’s take a look at some factors that can determine how our skin looks and feels after a good night’s sleep, and whether a collagen supplement or product is the best way to improve the skin.

Getting some beauty sleep

Ever wonder where the phrase “beauty sleep comes from?” Sleep is the reason that your skin looks so good when you’ve had a good night’s rest - because your body naturally creates collagen as you sleep.

So instead of purchasing that new collagen supplement or topical cream you’ve had your eye on, try working on how to sleep better first, and give your body to have the opportunity to take care of itself. This could be through developing a nighttime routine, or investing in a mattress that allows you to feel rested and rejuvenated when you wake up.

Late nights or early mornings?

Introducing collagen into your life may be redundant if you’re not getting enough sleep. A 2017 study found that lack of sleep negatively affects the look and feel of your skin. Therefore, whilst you could implement collagen into your routine in hopes that it will improve your skin, there’s simply little point if you aren’t getting an adequate amount of rest.

Instead of using collagen to counteract fine lines and wrinkles, you should try to prevent the production of these by getting at least seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Your skin ages faster, and takes longer to recover when we don’t give it the rest it needs.


Fall asleep faster with collagen

If you have trouble sleeping, you’re certainly not alone. While we emphasise the importance of allowing your body to replenish itself naturally, you could opt to take a collagen supplement at night to help you fall asleep if you’re struggling to drop off. That’s right — taking collagen before bed will help you fall asleep quicker and sleep deeper, according to the experts!


Listen to your body

The best way to look your best is to feel your best. You will notice a difference in your skin if you get the recommended amount of sleep: seven to nine hours per night. Your body will thank you by keeping your skin looking rejuvenated.

Collagen will reduce your wrinkles and make your skin look firmer, but nothing beats a good night’s rest. So, take some collagen before going to bed if it helps you fall into a deep sleep, but don’t underestimate the power of beauty rest in a comfortable, supportive bed.